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Images starting with version laravel-frontend@0.3.7 use pretty urls, see issue. This is not a breaking change, pretty urls are enabled by default when using the olmo CmsApi. This default enabling can be overridden only at a global level for all images in your project through the env variable IMG_PRETTY_URLS=true or IMG_PRETTY_URLS=false. Leave that undefined (commented) is recommended.


<x-img src="myfolder/myimage.jpg"/>


<x-img src="{{ $mydata['image'] }}"/>


Props related to image processing with their defualt values.


string ("")

A relative path to your image. By default the base URL is what set by the CMS Api in the /api/structure -> assets -> media. When local is set to true the base URL will be your public path /images folder where images will be placed automatically during build/dev.


boolean (false)

Whether an image comes from your local /src/assets/images folder or from the remote assets.mediaUrl retrieved with the /structure CMS API endpoint.


boolean (false)

Set it to original="true" when you want an image to bypass the resizer altoghether. This prevents any transformation operation (cropping, resizing, colorize, greyscale) but still allows to have a blurred thubmnail and predictable width and height.


string | int (90)

Override the jpg compression quality for this specific image, to change the default value for all images in your project set in your env IMG_COMPRESSION_QUALITY=75.


string | int (90)

Override the webp compression quality for this specific image, to change the default value for all images in your project set in your env IMG_COMPRESSION_QUALITY_WEBP=75. It defaults to the compression prop if given and to the IMG_COMPRESSION_QUALITY env variable if set.


number (automatically set)

Self explanatory. If not given the image resizer will grab the original image size.


number (automatically set)

Self explanatory. If not given the image resizer will grab the original image size.


"clip" | "clamp" | "crop" ("clip")

Follows same documentation as imgix's fit. Valid values here are only clip (default), clamp and crop.


"top-left" | "top" | "top-right" | "left" | "center" | "right" | "bottom-left" | "bottom" | "bottom-right" ("center")

Only applied when using fit=crop, about the possible values see InterventionImage docs.


boolean (false)

Note that everything passed will be coerced to a boolean.


string ("")

In this form colorize="r,g,b" where r, g, b are numbers, they will be converted to integers. Use values between -100 and +100, see InterventionImage docs.

Other props

Props not related to image processing with their defualt values.


string ("span")

When passing an href="mylink" attribute it is automatically set to a link HTML tag, it defaults to span.


string ("")

When passing a url to href a link <a> HTML tag is used on the wrapper HTML element instead of the default <span>, overriding what given to tag prop.


string ("")

For accessibility and SEO this should always be used.


boolean (false)

Skips lazy loading and load image immediately, useful for "above-the-fold" images.


boolean (true)

Shows a base64 inline small version of the image before the actual one get lazy loaded.


boolean (false)

By default image's wrapper frame are stretched to fit its parent container, with fixed="true" it will have a max-width: {width}px equal to the given width prop.


string ("")

You can define a background for the wrapper frame that holds the image, if used you probably want to also set :thumb="false"


boolean (true)

The cage uses a "proportioner" HTML <span> element that keeps the img container with the same proportions as the image with the padding-top: {proportion-percentage}% technique. The image is placed above it with a position: absolute and centered within the created cage. This structure gives a lot of flexibility and contribute preventing CLS (Cumulative Layout Shifts). As we always know the image and width of the image it is actually not really necessary, therefore you can set it to false, especially when you are within free-width flex containers and you stumble upon the 0 height resulting elements.


"cover" | "contain" ("cover")

By default <img /> inner tag uses object-fit: cover, that can be changed to contain (a polyfill ensure browser's compatibility out of the box).


boolean | number (false)

Shows a centered spinner for lazy loaded imaged, the given number will set the diameter of the circular progress spinner (uses <x-progress-circular />)


attrs-root ("")

Attributes on the wrapper <span /> HTML element.


attrs ("")

Attributes on the inner <img /> HTML element.


Svg handling

Svg images are not supported by this component at the moment, firstly because Image\Intervention does not support it, secondly because we cannot do much on svgs, neither retrieve width and height, nor crop or process them. If you still want to use an svg image from the remote source provided by the CMS Api you might want to use the facade Img to construct the absolute remote URL of the svg:

<img src="{{ Img::getOriginalUrl('FOLDER/imagename.svg') }}" />

or, if the image come from your local src/assets/images folder:

<img src="{{ Img::getOriginalLocalUrl('imagename.svg') }}" />