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LaravelFrontend exposes automatically a series of hooks whose access is guarded through middlewares for security. These hooks endpoints allow the remote execution of commands for systemic operations like deployment, cache management, composer packaging and maybe others. These endpoints should be called upon data changes from the CMS or the thirdy part services on saving or updating actions.

Usage and security

For security purposes these endpoints can only be called from a series of whitelisted domains. By default the already defined and mandatory APP_URL and CMS_API_URL found in the .env are automatically whitelisted and so it is the IP of the CI runner that operates the deployment. Additional domains, ip addresses and queryparam can be defined in the .env with:,

Hooks endpoints

Here a summary of all hooks, all prefixed with _/hooks/.


URL: {APP_URL}/_/hooks/visit

This hook visit all the URLs of the website by crawling the APP_URL and following all the found links recursively. It is automatically used by the /deploy/end one. It can also be manually called from a browser with the above security limitations, add a whatever query parameter to get a nicely formatted html response, e.g. go in your browser to

Deploy hooks


URL: {APP_URL}/_/hooks/deploy/end

This hook must be called at the end of the CI process, it clears all caches, dumps the composer autoloading mechanism and optimize laravel through artisan commands. At the end of its process it calls the /visit hook.

Cache control hooks

Data from the remote api (the CMS usually) are cached by default to optimise speed. This cache can be cleared programmatically by doing a simple GET request without any particular parameter to these automatically exposed endpoints or hooks:


URL: {APP_URL}/_/hooks/cache/clear

Clear all frontend caches (system and data cache) except img cache.


URL: {APP_URL}/_/hooks/cache/clear-system

Manages op cache, laravel's view/config/routes and compiled caches. It first clears and then re-generate and re-cache them.


URL: {APP_URL}/_/hooks/cache/clear-data

Clear all the data cache.


URL: {APP_URL}/_/hooks/cache/clear-structure

Clear all the structure cache.


URL: {APP_URL}/_/hooks/cache/clear-custom

Clear all the custom cache.


URL: {APP_URL}/_/hooks/cache/clear-models

Clear all the models cache.


URL: {APP_URL}/_/hooks/cache/clear-models/{modelName}

Clear a single model cache.


URL: {APP_URL}/_/hooks/cache/clear-routes

Clear all the routes cache.


URL: {APP_URL}/_/hooks/cache/clear-routes/{routeId}

Clear a single route cache.


URL: {APP_URL}/_/hooks/cache/clear-forms

Clear all the forms cache.


URL: {APP_URL}/_/hooks/cache/clear-forms/{formId}

Clear a single form cache.


URL: {APP_URL}/_/hooks/cache/clear-translations

Clear all the translations cache.


URL: {APP_URL}/_/hooks/cache/clear-translations/{locale}

Clear a single locale's translations cache.


URL: {APP_URL}/_/hooks/cache/clear-img

Clear all the img cache.


Depending on the amount of images used and theier variants the regeneration of this cache is probably quite heavy on the server.