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The translation file is in .csv format and it needs to be placed in src/assets/translations.csv.

This file must have the following structure:

myroute.mykey, English text, Italian text

Where the first line has the local codes (that match the project's localised URLs slugs), the first column has all the keys in alphanumeric symbols, only dots, dashes and underscores punctuation are allowed. The . dot is used to specify the string's location within the website and/or its specific route or component.


During development you don't need to fill all translations for each locale, the first is enough and it is used as a fallback if a string in a specific locale is not filled in.


$trans variable

A variable $trans is always exposed to all views (components, routes, utils, ecc.) and you use it as such:

<h2>{{ $trans['MyComponent.plaintext'] }}</h2>

<div>{!! $trans['MyComponent.htmltext'] !!}</div>

t function

To interpolate variables into your strings you can use the global helper function t, available in all views and php files.

In your src/assets/translations.csv:

Header.profile, "Welcome :name"

in your blade template file:

<span> {!! t('Header.profile', [ 'name' => '<b>'.$user['name'].'</b>' ]) !!} </span>

CSV Formatting

The translation file can be edited with any csv ready software like LbreOffice Calc, Excel or Google Sheets and the formatting is handled automatically. If you need to edit this file manually from a text editor consider the necessarye escaping:

  1. If your string contains commas wrap it in double quotes:
MyComponent.plaintext, "My string, with commas"`
  1. If your string contains html escape the html quotes:
MyComponent.htmltext, "<a href="""" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener""></a>"`


All string keys are lowercase and their parts, used to target specific section of your template, are divided by a dot. By convention (not mandatory) strings are named following simple rules such as:

  1. If a key is specific of a route it has the route unique name as prefix in lowercase.
  2. If a key is specific of a component it has the component unique name as prefix in PascalCase.
  3. If a key is specific of a core element it has the component unique name as prefix in kebab-case.

Some examples:
